Tropicality and Creative Practice: temperature, temperament and temporality
etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, Volume 12, no 2, 2013
How do the tropics affect creative practice? This is an investigation of the impact on the creative mind, body and output of: heat and humidity; light and colour; and the impermanence of material culture. These elements are analysed scientifically; adaptive strategies and wider implications are discussed, filtered through my experience and that of selected local artists.
A cost-effective approach to producing animated infographics for immunology teaching
Maria Bellei, Paul Welch, Sally Pryor, Natkunam Ketheesan
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, December issue (Vol 17, Iss 3)
Multimedia resources such as video and animations are increasingly used to enhance student engagement and understanding, particularly when teaching cognitively complex concepts. However, the creation of animation is time-consuming and hence, expensive compared to the creation of graphics. Recognising this and the challenges students face in learning immunology, we describe here a process of a multi-disciplinary collaboration that produced a series of 3-minute animated infographics videos for tertiary-level immunology teaching within an Australian university. We evaluate the benefit of these and their merit as supplemental curriculum resources to enhance learning.
Who's Afraid of Integrationist Signs? Writing, Digital Art, Interactivity and Integrationism.
Language Sciences, Oxford UK, Vol. 33 (2011) pp 647-53
Broadly speaking, an integrationist theory of writing separates writing from speech and (re)aligns it with spatial configurations. This approach offered robust solutions to the challenges I faced when creating interactive digital artworks about writing. However the integrationist theory of language and communication is rather challenging…
Ephemeron - Sculpting a Collective Consciousness and Mapping a Collaborative Process.
Leonardo (Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology),Berkeley, USA, Vol. 43 No.5 (2010) pp 496-7
A description of the intentions, process and technical functioning of Ephemeron, a collaboratively-developed, responsive sculpture that invites an emotional engagement with the eternal, ephemeral human epic, the daily song of pain and struggle, love and loss, lived by beings "full of mud and dreams" [Kazantzakis]
Thinking of Oneself as an Aging Computer/Thinking of (an Aging) Oneself as a Computer
International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) 2009, Ireland
Thinking of Oneself as a Computer was a widely-published paper that I wrote in 1990 where I tried to think through what it meant to think about yourself as if you were a computer (see below). In this paper I revisit those thoughts and update them in the light of my more recent understandings of language, subjectivity and tecthnological utopias.
Integrationism, New Media Art and Learning to Read Arabic
Language Teaching: Integrational Linguistic Approaches M.Toolan(ed.) Routledge. New York. 2009
POSTCARDS AND SUPASIGNS: Extending Integrationist Theory Through The Creation of Interactive Digital Artworks
Human Technology. An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments, Vol. 3 (1), February 2007
Integrationism can be extremely difficult to comprehend when expressed as written words on paper. A solution is offered by my works Postcard From Tunis and Postcards From Writing. The unique rollover-based interfaces both express the integrationist theory of communication and require it in order to explain the creation of communicative signs that they demonstrate are possible
Clinical Notes: A history and Diagnosis of New Media Arts
Vital Signs: Creative Practice Jones, Lyndal (Editor); Anastasiou, Pauline (Editor); Smithies, Rhonda (Editor); Trist, Karen (Editor). Melbourne: RMIT Publishing, 2006
Extending Integrationist theory through the creation and analysis of a multimedia work of art: Postcard From Tunis
Doctoral thesis, University of Western Sydney, 2003
An analysis of the research outcomes of Postcard From Tunis, and an exploration of the theoretical issues that influenced the artistic practice. Includes a thorough analysis of Integrationism and its ground-breaking analysis of writing. The link below takes you to the abstract; you can then read the full thesis if desired.
The Artist as Self-Publisher
Paper presented at the AFC's Being Connected conference in 1998
Virtual Realiy: Beyond cartesian Space
Sally Pryor and Jill Scott, Future Visions: Introduction and development of New screen technologies of the screen, ed hayward p & Wollen, T, British film Institute,1993
Thinking of Oneself as A Computer
first delivered at SISEA (Second International Symposium on Electronic Art), the Netherlands, 1990. published Leonardo (Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology), Berkeley, USA,(Vol.24, No.5, 1991); translations: (Italian) Il Corpo Tecnologico, Ed. P Capucci, Baskervile, 1994; (German) MultiMind 4
Women and High Technology: Some Observations
The Australian Video Festival 1987; scanlines: Media Art in Australia Since the 1960s
"You don't tend to find too many women working in high technology. I've been very lonely. As Jan Zimmerman puts it, 'In the modern world where science and technology have displaced the gods of rain and wisdom, men still constitute most of the high priests worshipping at the laboratory altar'. Why is this? In what some call the post-feminist era ..."